lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Becas Erasmus Mundus para Maestría en Desarrollo Rural - Europa

International Master of Science in Rural Development

Deadline: 31 December 2012
Open to: Bachelor/Master interested in Rural Development and Agricultural Economics, EU and non-EU
Scholarship: Erasmus Mundus full scholarship


Are you a Bachelor/Master interested in Rural Development and Agricultural Economics ?
Interested in a multi-disciplinary and mobile training in Europe, on a EU scholarship ?
Are you seeking a further specialisation through an International Masters Degree ?

The joint International Master in Rural Development (IMRD), part of the European Erasmus Mundus program, offers the opportunity to study the European vision on rural development in its diversity of approaches and applications, on a scholarship provided by the European Union (as of 2010-2011 also for European students).
The objective is to train specialists in integrated rural development, focussed on socio-economic and institutional aspects, not only from the European Union but also from developed, developing and transition countries outside the European Union through a 2 year master program (120 ECTS) jointly organised by seven European leading institutes in agricultural economics and rural development.

The Master program is offered by:
  • Ghent University (Belgium)
  • Agrocampus Ouest (France)
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
  •  the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)
  • the University of Pisa (Italy)
  • Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
in collaboration with:
  • University of Pretoria (South Africa),
  • ESPOL (Ecuador)
  • University of Agricultural Sciences of Bangalore (India),
  • China Agricultural University
  • Nanjing Agricultural University (China)
The methodology consists of a combination of basic and specialised training in technical, economic and social sciences, a case study of one month, an individual master thesis and a high extent of student and scholar mobility.


Both EU and non-EU students are eligible for the scholarship.

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:

1. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Candidates are expected to have basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and/or statistics, (2) agronomy and/or biology and/or environmental sciences and (3) social sciences and/or rural development and/or economy. Candidates who cannot present a combined training of these fields will be evaluated on their aptitude, based on experience and knowledge of these fields, as demonstrated by CV or other evidence.

2. Sufficient language knowledge proven by language certificates. The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English.
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