Becas para PhD en Geografía Física y Geografía Humana - Durham University - Inglaterra

Durham University offers Doctoral Studentships in Human and Physical Geography for International and Home/EU Students in UK 2013
Study Subject(s): Human and physical geography.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing PhD degree.
Scholarship Provider: Durham University
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: We are looking for candidates with the following:
-A first or 2:1 undergraduate degree, or have relevant comparable experience;
-An outstanding academic pedigree and research potential, such as through the publication of journal articles and other publications; and
-Be planning to conduct a high-quality research project.
-In addition, candidates will usually hold or be completing a Masters degree in their area of proposed study or related discipline.
-Applications are considered according to their academic merit. Factors such as your financial status and nationality are not taken into account.
-A first or 2:1 undergraduate degree, or have relevant comparable experience;
-An outstanding academic pedigree and research potential, such as through the publication of journal articles and other publications; and
-Be planning to conduct a high-quality research project.
-In addition, candidates will usually hold or be completing a Masters degree in their area of proposed study or related discipline.
-Applications are considered according to their academic merit. Factors such as your financial status and nationality are not taken into account.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The International and Home/EU students can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: The Faculty of Social Sciences & Health has available a number of prestigious Durham Doctoral Studentships for new, high-calibre PhD students who will be commencing their studies within the Faculty in October 2013. International students across all of the Faculty’s Departments and Schools can apply for a Durham Doctoral Studentship. Additionally, Home/EU students in fields not support by our ESRC Doctoral Training Centre can also be considered for these awards. These fields include Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, Physical Geography, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy and Sociology.
Duration of award(s): The Faculty’s Durham Doctoral Studentships are tenable for three (3) years.
What does it cover? The Faculty’s Durham Doctoral Studentships provide award-holders with the following package of financial support
-A tax-free maintenance grant set at the UK Research Council’s national rate, which in 2012/13 is £13,590 (pending confirmation).
-Full payment of their tuition fees at either the International or Home/EU rate; and
-A research expenses allowance of £750 per annum to fund fieldwork, attendance at conferences and meet other research expenses.
-Part-time award-holders are funded for six (6) years and receive a maintenance grant and research expenses allowance at 50% of the full-time rate.
-A tax-free maintenance grant set at the UK Research Council’s national rate, which in 2012/13 is £13,590 (pending confirmation).
-Full payment of their tuition fees at either the International or Home/EU rate; and
-A research expenses allowance of £750 per annum to fund fieldwork, attendance at conferences and meet other research expenses.
-Part-time award-holders are funded for six (6) years and receive a maintenance grant and research expenses allowance at 50% of the full-time rate.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for submitting your application is Monday, 18 February 2013.
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