sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

Becas para Maestría y PhD en Administración de Negocios y Métodos Cuantitativos - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - España

The Business Department at Universidad Carlos III is requesting applications for its Master in Business Administration and Quantitative Methods. The department is offering 15 scholarships to qualified students to take part in this program, either in the Finance track orManagement track.

The objective of the scholarships for this master is to prepare highly qualified and motivated students to carry out original research in the fields of finance and management, with a thorough preparation in empirical methods and statistics. 

This Master also represents the first two years in our five year PhD program. The program is a full-time program with all classes been taught in English. Graduating students find placement in the world of research, both academic and non-academic, in international organizations, central banks, government agencies and firms.

The application deadline is April 22nd 2013.

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