Becas para PhD en diferentes áreas - IMT - Italia

2013 PhD Scholarships for international students at IMT Institute in Italy. Applications are open to candidates without regard to nationality, age, gender or religion. Proficiency in English is compulsory as research and teaching are conducted in English.36 Scholarships are offered of 13,638.47€ /year.Applicants are evaluated by the selection committee of the program in which they intend to register on the basis of their prior performance and professional promise, as evidenced by their academic record and any other pertinent data they submit. Application should be submitted till July 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm (Italian time).
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided for courses offered by IMT Institute in Italy.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing PhD degree level at IMT Institute in Italy.
Scholarship Provider: Institute for Advanced Studies, Italy.
Scholarship can be taken at: Italy
Eligibility: Applications are open to candidates without regard to nationality, age, gender or religion. Proficiency in English is compulsory as research and teaching are conducted in English. No knowledge of Italian is requested.
Scholarship Open for International Students: The International students can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Description: Admission to IMT’s PhD program is competitive on an international level, with evaluation mainly focusing on past academic performance (grades) and scientific relevance to the selected track. First and foremost, however, certain basic formal requirements must be met before candidates are eligible to apply. Namely, applicants must have completed and obtained a degree equivalent to at least 4 years of university studies. (Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on the condition that their bachelor’s degree is awarded before they enroll at IMT.)
Number of award(s): 36 Scholarships are offered.
Duration of award(s): Scholarship is offered for 3 years.
What does it cover? 36 positions are covered by scholarships in the gross amount of 13,638.47€ /year.
-A limited number of additional positions without scholarships may also be offered.
-All Ph.D. students will have tuition fees waived.
-Ph.D. students who are granted a scholarship have free accommodation in shared double rooms in the School residence halls (with the exception of students whose permanent residence is within 30km of (IMT).
-All Ph.D. students will have free access to the canteen services.
-All Ph.D. students are covered by insurance against any accident and/or injury that may occur while carrying out their Ph.D. activities.
Selection Criteria: Applicants are evaluated by the selection committee of the program in which they intend to register on the basis of their prior performance and professional promise, as evidenced by their academic record and any other pertinent data they submit. While high academic achievement does not guarantee admission, IMT expects such achievement or other persuasive evidence of professional promise. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their academic background, skills and scientific value with reference to the subjects of the interdisciplinary program, and their general aptitudes to research. The selection committee will also assess the relevance of any publications, the suitability of the research project or motivation letter and any additional special qualifications, educational activities and /or participation in research groups or projects. The selection committee reserves the right to propose that the applicant be considered, interviewed for or admitted to another track/curriculum it deems appropriate in addition to or instead of that to which the candidate has applied.The selection procedure will be carried out in two phases:
-Assessment of all the applications admitted through the online procedure: The short-list of candidates admitted to the interview will be published on the website and on the Online Notice Board of IMT on September 10th, 20132.Interview: Once short-listed, applicants will be required to participate in a comprehensive interview in English in order to assess their aptitude for research in the track/curricula for which they have applied, as well as their English proficiency. The interviews will take place from September 23thto September 27th, 2013. Candidates admitted to the interview must confirm their participation by email to phdapplications-at-imtlucca.itwithin 48 hour so publication of the shortlist. According to the mode by which the Candidates wish to be interviewed, the interviews could be conducted as follows:
-At IMT headquarters in Lucca. In this case, candidates will be provided with free accommodation, if available (travel expenses are not covered).
-Via videoconference or through any other procedure allowing visual contact with the candidates and viewing of their identity document (candidates must show identification before the interview begins).
-At an Italian Embassy/Consulate. In this case, the candidate must provide IMT with the contact details of the relevant Italian Embassy/Consulate. Before the interview, the Embassy/consulate staff will proceed with an identification verification of the candidate.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: Applicants must fill out the online application form and attach the required documents by July 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm (Italian time). All Candidates are invited to read carefully the Application guidelines, available on IMT website inside the application procedure section. This document provides guidance on filling out the different sections of the application form:- In order to apply, applicants must first submit their personal data: Applicants will then receive a confirmation e-mail containing a password and basic instructions for the submission procedure.
-The first time applicants access their account, they will be requested to choose the Track(s) and the Curriculum (if applicable) to which they wish to apply. While not mandatory, information and attachments marked Optional are most welcome, as they enable the Admissions Committee to evaluate candidates comprehensively. Data and documents entered into the application form are the sole responsibility of the applicant. In the event of false declaration(s), the applicant will not be allowed to enroll in the Ph.D. Program at IMT.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is July 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm (Italian time).
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